Illustration area farmers

Area for farmers

Here farmers will find all the information they need, useful links and answers to their questions.

Questions and answers

Yes, we continue to produce feed for agriculture and our pet customers without restrictions. Since the beginning of the epidemic, we have adapted internal work processes to the new situation with the help of various measures. Thus, production is secured even in the event of employees falling ill. However, it cannot be ruled out that delays in order processing may occur during critical phases.

To ensure that security of supply can continue to be guaranteed, we ask you to observe the following simple rules.

  • Do not accumulate stocks of feed in excess of requirements
  • Avoid double orders at different locations
  • Ordering early (at least two working days before delivery) helps with production planning

For further information, please contact your field staff and/or your agricultural retailer/market.

We make an important contribution to the care of your animals. For this reason, employees of Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer fulfil a so-called "system-relevant function". If an exit ban is imposed to contain the Corona virus, our employees are therefore allowed to continue their work. In this case, the production of our feedstuffs will continue without restriction.

Our feeds are safe! The Corona virus is not transmissible from animals to humans or vice versa. There is also no evidence of infection of humans or animals through consumption or contact with food or feed. The corona virus is also not transmitted via feed. You can find out more about this on the website of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

The health of our employees and business partners is a central concern for us - as is safeguarding production. To this end, we have already adopted a number of different measures (excerpt):

  • Wherever possible, our employees work from home.
  • Employees in the offices and plants are required to observe strict distance and hygiene rules.
  • A code of conduct minimises the risk of transmission in interpersonal interactions.
  • We ensure a strict separation between employees in our production and other parts of the company.
  • The contacts of our field staff are carried out in compliance with the hygiene rules published by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and, if necessary, the additional requirements published regionally.
  • In contact with drivers and external workers, our employees pay attention to safety distances and hygiene rules.
  • In general, access to our company premises for external persons has been severely restricted.
  • Employees who feel ill stay at home as a matter of principle.

Yes, but our staff is required to check whether an on-site visit is necessary. Please prepare a meaningful documentation including pictures and make it available to the field staff member. If an on-site visit is arranged, the stricter rules of conduct and hygiene also apply here.

Responsible for queries: Your field staff member.

Further information

Below you will find important documents and links from authorities where you can learn more about a possible infection and how to avoid it.

Responsible for queries: Please contact your doctor or the responsible public health department if you have any further questions about the Corona virus.

Do you still have questions?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Service employee