
Complete feed for exotic birds

Illustration deuka Exoten (© Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer).


Complete feed for exotic birds

  • deuka Exotenfutter is a beak- and demand-oriented bird food for exotic birds (e.g. finches and colour finches of all kinds).
  • The balanced recipe ensures the supply of nutrients and optimally supports the typical plumage of your colourful exotic birds.
  • For the production of the seed mixture, we use only first-class and repeatedly cleaned individual seeds.

Feeding recommendation

Offer for free disposal.

Always provide fresh drinking water.

List of ingredients

Senegal millet: 40.00 %, plata millet: 20.00 %, yellow millet: 20.00 %, canary seed: 10.00 %, red mohair millet: 5.00 %, red millet: 3.00 %, negro seed: 2.00 %

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