Interview on sow feeding with Christina Jesse
"digest: The result of all our know-how in sow feeding"
With the sow feeding concept digest from deuka, Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer presents a premium feed for the precise supply of high-performance sows. The modern gestation and lactation feeds are the result of complex research and are based on a broad scientific foundation. The starting point for the development was the requirements of the animals and farms alike. We spoke to Christina Jesse, head of the pig division, about the challenges of keeping sows on modern farms and how the digest feeds help to master them.
Ms Jesse, what challenges does sow management face today?
JESSE: "The speed at which sow performance has developed in recent years is breathtaking. The number of piglets per animal and year has increased enormously. Farm results with over 30 piglets per sow and year are now the rule rather than the exception. Farmers have done a lot and kept up with optimised farm and herd management. In order for the animals to develop their full potential, the feeding of the sows is a crucial component. As feed manufacturers, we are called upon to develop new feeding concepts and optimised recipes in order to ensure the supply of the animals and - in connection with this - the welfare of the animals
What do modern sow feeds have to achieve today?
JESSE: "The requirements are manifold and have steadily increased in parallel to the challenges of the farms. Modern feed concepts must therefore, even more than in the past, not only provide all the necessary nutrients and ingredients at exactly the right time, but also include a sophisticated package of additives that additionally promote the welfare and performance of the sows - and this precisely in every phase of the animals' lives. The digest concept is our contribution to contemporary and comprehensive sow feeding."

What is the basic idea behind the digest feeds?
JESSE: "The digest concept includes feeds for pregnancy and lactation that are closely coordinated on the component side. Stress and digestion problems, which can be observed when changing feed, usually do not occur with digest. A fibre mix of soluble and insoluble fibres ensures that the sow's intestines stay in good shape in every production phase. In addition, the digest concept contains a number of additives that promote performance beyond nutrition. For example, medium-chain fatty acids ensure that streptococcal and chlostridial pressure remains low. This helps the piglets even after weaning in the flat deck.
"You can compare sows with top athletes: If you want to win a marathon, you also need an optimised diet tailored to your requirements. digest is our contribution to winning this race."
How did you develop digest?
JESSE: "The digest feeds are the result of our experience and observations in practice and all our know-how in sow feeding. The starting point was the needs of the sows on the one hand and the requirements for economic piglet production on the other. The entire development of gestation and lactation feeds took place in this exciting field between supply and profitability. The basis was a comprehensive evaluation of national and international studies on sow feeding. This, combined with our almost 60 years of experience in pig feeding and the active input of pig farmers, led to the development of the digest concept. The feeding tests with the new diets on partner farms in recent months have confirmed our expectations in terms of feed intake, milk yield and fitness of the sows and their piglets in practice - in many places they have even clearly exceeded them"
Further information
Find out more about the ingredients and positive effects of our digest foods here: