Rearing and fattening lamb feed


Rearing and fattening lamb feed

Rapid and uniform weight gain with optimal rumen development in the rearing and fattening of lambs is achieved by accustoming the animals to roughage and pellet feed at an early stage. In this way, young lambs receive all the nutrients they need for their healthy development.

In our feed range you will find a selection of tasty energy- and protein-rich and lamb feeds with which you can accustom the lambs to solid feed at an early stage and upgrade your farm's own feeds to a balanced total ration.

Our feed

The concept

Our versatile rearing and fattening lamb feeds serve to supplement and enhance your farm's own basic ration with all the nutrients and vital minerals, vitamins and trace elements that are still missing. In this way, you ensure that your animals are supplied with the nutrients they need for good development and support the maintenance of their health.

The concept

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