
Laying hen feed

The right feed is decisive for egg quality and laying performance. High-quality laying hen feeds must fulfil several tasks at the same time: They should ensure the feed and nutrient supply of the birds, ideally support the function of the gizzard and keep the flock in best health. Finally, a homogeneous feed structure should prevent selective feed intake, satiate and keep the hens busy.

You can achieve all these with the complete and supplementary feeds from our range for laying hens. The nutrient-dense and optimally structured hen feeds are the result of our decades of experience in poultry feeding and the continuous improvement of our recipes. This is how we contribute to the profitability of your farm.

Our feed

The concept

Our starter feeds facilitate the changeover from rearing to laying feed. The complete feeds help to improve the still low feed intake capacity of the birds. Due to the moderate calcium content and the balanced nutrient ratio, our feeds make an essential contribution to the healthy development of the birds.

The concept

In order to ensure the nutrient supply in all life stages of the laying hens, the feeds of our phase feeding programme for laying hens are precisely adapted to the needs of the animals. High-quality components ensure a performance-oriented supply. At the same time, the shape of the meal guarantees uniform intake and facilitates utilisation.

The concept

Our supplementary feeds are ideally suited for the production of farm-specific mixtures for feeding laying hens. The content of bulk elements, trace elements and vitamins in combination with the farm's own cereals results in a balanced ration that optimally covers the needs of your laying hens.

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Do you have questions about our feeds?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Technical adviser

Poultry sector