Pile of chicken feed P2 grained
Pile of chicken feed P4 grained

Chicken & Broiler Feed

For chickens to develop their full growth potential, they need a balanced diet. Depending on the fattening phase, the demands of the animals can vary in terms of energy and nutrient content of the feed. Only when these requirements are met precisely do the animals remain healthy and develop their full performance potential.
Our chicken feed range includes a wide variety of different pellet feeds, from starter to final fattening. This ensures the rapid and healthy development of your chickens during fattening.

Our feed

The concept

The Landkorn range reflects all our experience in supplying chickens - from the first days of life to the end of fattening. With the starter feed, you lay the foundation for the healthy and even development of your chicks and cover their needs in the first days of life. From the third week of life, our country grain fattening feed ensures rapid growth and a uniform meat set. Due to its nutrient density, our final fattening feed finally covers the high requirements of the animals shortly before slaughter.

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Technical adviser

Poultry sector