Correct feeding for more milk
9. Milk Producers' Day - a complete success!
15.01.2020 – On 9 January 2020, farmers and dairy farmers met for the Milk Producers' Day in Ostercappeln. The Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer and the Society for Animal Nutrition organised the training event for the ninth time. Under the motto "Feeding - the key to profitable milk production. Results and experiences from practice for practice", the participants met this time at the Beinker Inn. The aim of the event was to offer the audience concrete solutions in questions of sustainable animal nutrition that can be directly implemented on the farm.
Increase profitability with optimised feeding
Feeding is the decisive factor for animal health and profitability on cattle farms. Based on this basic idea, the lectures at the 9th Milk Producers' Day exemplified how animal health and milk yield of cows can be improved through the choice of feed components. Speaker David Wagner, Gesellschaft für Tierernährung, focused on feeding concepts at calving, taking into account the cation-anion balance (DCAB value). In his presentation, he also touched on the advantages and disadvantages of one-phase and two-phase feeding of dry stallers and gave practical recommendations for ration design.
High practical relevance through insights into everyday life
Dr. Jörg Fleischer from the agricultural cooperative Niederseidewitz then illustrated milk production in a Saxon field fodder farm. He compared how the use of different feeds can influence the milk yield of the animals. Finally, Dr. Arnd Grottendieck, veterinary practice Bramsche, reported on his experiences with regard to yield optimisation in milk production through targeted feeding controlling. Especially in times of low milk yields, increases in yield can only be achieved through optimal health of the animals with a simultaneous increase in milk yield.
The event was moderated by Dr Heinrich Kleine Klausing, Managing Director of the Gesellschaft für Tierernährung (Society for Animal Nutrition), who guided the 70 visitors through the programme with aplomb.